Posted by admin on Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
Filed under :General
Smoked Salmon Recipes – Yes, You Can Catch Your Fish And Eat It, Too!
Don’t know what to do with that Alaskan trout you caught or plan to catch? Smoke it! Smoked salmon recipes are a dime a dozen. What’s more, they are perfect for eating while you’re out camping because they are a no-brainer to prepare and cook up.
I’m going to share a smoked salmon burrito Read the rest of this entry »
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Posted by admin on Monday Apr 19, 2010
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Lunch at work or on the go is one of the stumbling points of healthy eating. In a typical work environment, it’s easy to give in to the convenience of fast food, take out, and restaurant lunches. Unfortunately, eating unhealthy lunchtime meals will take a toll on both wallets and waistlines.
When you eat out, you’re letting someone else dictate the nutrition Read the rest of this entry »
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Posted by admin on Saturday Apr 17, 2010
Filed under :General
Diabetes – Provide Nutritious Food To The Body
When it comes to dealing with diabetes, you need to understand that diet plays an important role. Most people simply like to eat out and indulging restaurant food occasionally.
It is a sin for the diabetics to indulge in restaurant food once in a while. However, we must take special care about certain types of Read the rest of this entry »
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Posted by admin on Thursday Apr 15, 2010
Filed under :General
3 Tasty But Non-authentic Mexican Food Recipes
Mexican food is almost as popular in the United States as it is in Mexico. With restaurants spread out across the country (as well as various Mexican meals in bars and clubs), it is not hard to find yourself eating some variation of Mexican food several times a week, especially if you are out often and not picky Read the rest of this entry »
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Posted by admin on Wednesday Apr 14, 2010
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Welcome to Bandito’s Mexican Restaurant where we make everything… except the tortillas. From our modest beginnings at the “Chuck Wagon” on US 12 in Irish Hills, we brought to Ann Arbor all the high quality and best tasting Mexican sauces, beans, rice and meats, this side of California.
You will not find any of our sauces at other Mexican restaurants because they are our own unique recipes. We make everything here, all the vegetables are cut fresh daily. Our salsa is a delicious combination of tomatoes, onions, cilantro, peppers and Mexican spices. We’ll never tell exactly how we make it. It’s our secret, but one thing is for sure, it has no garlic.
216 S Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 996-0234

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Posted by admin on Saturday Apr 3, 2010
Filed under :General
How about these right… I think you’ll find the following nuggets of wisdom particularly insightful. Leave your comments below. Check out the second one in particular…
If You Thought a Carnitas Burrito Was Filling, Wait’ll You Taste …
San Francisco Restaurants and Dining. If You Thought a Carnitas Burrito Was Filling, Wait’ll You Taste the Kalua Pork Version. SF Weekly Read the rest of this entry »
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Posted by admin on Thursday Apr 1, 2010
Filed under :General
I’ve been on medifast for quite a while and have lost a good deal of weight on it (over 80 pounds.) So, it’s safe to say I’ve eaten a lot of the foods. I’m often asked which are my favorites or which taste the best. I’ll answer this question in the following article with a list of my all time favorite medifast foods and the ones I eat (and actually enjoy) the most Read the rest of this entry »
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Technorati Tags: burrito